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IMF chief Christine Lagarde warns world risks triple crisis

"Lagarde says world risks falling incomes, environmental damage and social unrest without more sustainable approach to growth"

Category: Climate Change


Climate change rate could be faster than thought, study suggests

"Data indicate China's carbon emissions could be 20% higher, prompting fears Earth is warming at a much faster rate"

Category: Climate Change


Neutrino researchers admit Einstein was right

"Nine months after its results caused a furore, experiment that suggested neutrinos could travel faster than light declared faulty"

Category: Big Science


Sellafield swallows contaminated by radioactivity

"Birds nesting by the nuclear power plant have traces of radioactivity in their droppings"


New cars in Europe will have to cut carbon emissions by a third

"EU to introduce 95g CO2/km limit by 2020 and bring it even lower to push manufacturers to make hybrid cars mainstream"

Displaying results 236 to 240 out of 2977